Abdominoplasty, better known as a tummy tuck, is an effective method for making your midsection firmer and flatter. But how can you maintain the results of your tummy tuck, and what are the impacts of having the operation? Admittedly, maintaining a flat and tight tummy requires some work on your part. Maintaining your result still requires commitment and work on your part.
After pregnancy or significant weight loss, rectus diastasis is seen frequently. This condition occurs due to the weight and pressure of the internal organs or developing fetus on the abdominal muscles. The stress on the muscles can cause a separation or weakening between them called diastasis recti. Sit-ups, crunches, or any abdominal exercise will not repair this separation. Often times, the only way to repair a rectus diastasis is through surgery. During the abdominoplasty, the muscles are tightened, and excess skin and fat are removed. After the surgery, you will have activity restrictions and expected post-surgical swelling. After swelling subsides, maintenance with continued diet and exercise is essential to have the best results. Your tightened abdominal muscles will need to heal.
Eating Healthy
After abdominoplasty in Nashville, Dr. Olivia MaDan, recommends a nutrient-dense diet of leafy greens, lean meats, and complex carbohydrates. Minimizing calorie-laden sodas, chips and cookies will improve the overall results of your tummy tuck.
Whole grains, healthy fats, fresh fruits and vegetables, and lean proteins provide your body the fuel it needs to heal and maintain your new look.
Hydrating Frequently
After a tummy tuck, you must stay hydrated. Dr. MaDan will advise you on how much water you should drink daily because the amount varies with each patient. Staying hydrated also helps with digestion, maintaining a healthy metabolism, and controlling hunger.
Not Skipping Meals
It is vital to maintain a healthy diet after abdominoplasty. Your metabolism can be kept in high gear with small meals throughout the day. A healthy eating schedule helps reduce hunger and prevent overeating while giving your body the energy it needs to heal faster.
Eating Smaller Portions
Rather than having three large meals, eating several smaller portions throughout the day can keep your metabolism in high gear and hunger at bay. This gives your body the energy it needs to heal and function throughout the day.
Exercise Regularly
Light exercise, like walking, stationary bike, or elliptical, is usually acceptable to start two weeks after your surgery. Higher intensity activities, such as interval training or free weights, may be resumed six to twelve weeks after surgery depending on your healing process. It is vital to establish and stick to a regular exercise schedule. Incorporate exercise into your daily routine by being active for 30 to 60 minutes every day.
Regular exercise is one of the most effective ways of maintaining your tummy tuck results. We also encourage you to develop a well-rounded workout routine that targets your whole body rather than just your tummy.
What Can Impact the Results of a Tummy Tuck?
Most people undergoing an abdominoplasty want a dramatic change that improves body contour and self-confidence. Excess abdominal tissue mainly comes from two conditions—overeating/weight gain and pregnancy. However, poor sleep, stress, an undiagnosed medical issue, engaging in sedentary activities, and unhealthy eating might also contribute.
Follow Your Surgeon’s Instructions
The tummy tuck recovery process is different for everyone, so it is vital to listen to and follow your plastic surgeon’s instructions for optimum healing. Dr. MaDan gives you the knowledge you need to boost your recovery, such as eating healthy meals, exercising, and wearing compression garments.
Call Our Office Today to Schedule Your Tummy Tuck in Nashville
If you want a firmer and flatter midsection that makes you feel more comfortable and proud of your body, it is time to talk about a tummy tuck in Nashville. Abdominoplasty could help eliminate excess fat and skin in your tummy region. However, your post-surgical results will be more pronounced by making a commitment to yourself to maintain a healthy lifestyle with routine exercise and a nutrient-dense diet.
So, how can you maintain the results of your tummy tuck? Dr. MaDan will discuss any questions you have during your initial consultation to help you determine the safest, most effective tummy tuck procedure. Call our team at BEYOND Collective today to learn how you can maintain the results of your tummy tuck for a better, more confident look.